Talking Storybook

Talking storybooks highlight the text sentence-by-sentence while the story is told aloud.

Swampy Cree (syllabics and SRO)

After clicking the link for your language, you can view the book online by selecting the large read button:
Or, select "read offline" to download the book to your Android phone (Bloom Reader for Android must first be installed).

The Story of Joseph

In March 2020, the Northern Manitoba Area Mission of the Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh published the story of Joseph in indigenous storytelling style, with original illustrations from a Cree artist. It is a full-color children’s book that tells the story of a boy named Joseph whom God spoke to through dreams.

It is available in Swampy Cree (n-dialect) syllabics, Swampy Cree standard roman orthography, Ojibwe, and Dene. You can obtain a copy of the book through the links below.

Order a Print Book

You can order a physical copy of the book from our distributor, LULU, for the cost of printing and shipping. Click on the language you would like to order to get started.

Swampy Cree (syllabics)
Swampy Cree (SRO)